Got Joint Pain? Try These Tips!

Our joints face various pressures and forces throughout our lifetime. They allow us to move, walk, run, jump, and more. Yet, as time goes on, many people begin to experience joint aches and pains. While age-related changes are part of the problem, changes in the weather can also influence our joints.

In Hong Kong, many individuals notice an increase in their joint pain during the springtime. So, why does this happen? What else can increase joint pain? And, most importantly, how can you alleviate your aches and pains?


What Causes Joint Pain?

Knowing what causes your joint pain can help you determine the best solution specific to you and your body. So, let’s dive in! What are the top causes of joint pain?

1. Arthritis

The two most common types of arthritis include osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. While rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune condition, osteoarthritis happens due to wear and tear of the joint. As time passes, the cartilage at the joint, particularly the knees, hips, hands, wrists, and spine, wears down⁠—potentially leading to painful bone-on-bone grinding.

2. Weather-Related Changes

With high humidity, the body loses water faster. Simply put, this alters the fluid levels in the joint. Every joint has synovial fluid, which cushions the joints and protects them. Synovial fluid contains a high amount of water. Thus, if the body is losing water, this will inevitably impact our joints and how they feel.

Many people also complain about joint pain in colder weather. Joint aches and pains may happen here due to reduced blood flow to the joints. The body is working hard to keep the core and vital organs warm, meaning your limbs and extremities may become slightly deprived of essential nutrients, cells, and more that help them function optimally. As a result, you might experience increased pain.

3. Injury

Lastly, injury in and around a joint can lead to varying degrees of pain. Some common injuries include sprains, strains, meniscus issues, bursitis, tendonitis, dislocations, and fractures. These injuries can impact any joint in the body⁠—from the knees and hips to the back, shoulders, ankles, fingers, neck, and more!


5 Tips for Combatting Joint Pain

Joint pain isn’t exactly a walk in the park. Luckily, there are various home remedies you can use to manage and alleviate your joint pain. So, what should you consider?

1. Move Your Body!

One of the easiest and most natural ways to combat joint pain is by moving your body, such as with a daily walk. Movement increases blood flow to the joints, which can relieve aches and pains.

Additionally, performing a regular strength training and stretching routine can help keep your joints in tip-top shape. Strength training increases muscle mass, which supports and strengthens your joints. Meanwhile, stretching improves mobility and flexibility of the joints, reducing your risk of injury and decreasing pain.

2. Maintain a Healthy Weight.

Excess weight can place unnecessary stress on our joints, especially the knees, hips, and back. Ensuring you maintain a healthy weight can reduce and prevent joint pain, as well as enhance your health in various ways.

3. Try Ice or Heat.

If tight muscles are contributing to your joint pain, using heat can help these tissues relax. Ice, on the other hand, can also help reduce pain and decrease any swelling. Apply ice or heat for up to 15 minutes at a time, and make sure you place a towel in between your skin and the heat or ice pack.

4. Get Professional Help for Injuries and Severe Pain.

Visiting your local chiropractor or physiotherapist can shed some light on what you, specifically, should do to reduce your joint pain. Some injuries or conditions may require more specialized care.

5. Watch Your Diet.

Eating sufficient vitamin D and calcium keeps your bones strong. Omega-3 fatty acids, such as those in fatty fish, can also help maintain good joint health.

If you struggle to obtain adequate nutrients like chondroitin, Collagen Omega, vitamins and minerals etc in your diet, supplementation may also help. At Life Nutrition, we believe in purely sourced supplements that give you a leg up in life and health! Our Joint Support, Algae Calcium, Deep Sea Fish Oil, Women’s Everyday Complete, Men’s Everyday Complete, and NMN+ supplements can help you regain control of your life and joint health. Shop now at www.Life!