Life Nutrition Nutritionist
What is Soy Lecithin?
Soy lecithin is a natural compound extracted from soybeans, consisting of phospholipids, fatty acids, and a small amount of carbohydrates and trigl...
Read moreThe Silent Killer – High Blood Pressure : Tips To Prevent and Manage
Why is high blood pressure “bad”? How can you tell if you have high blood pressure? Read this article to uncover everything you should know.
Read moreWhy is Omega-3 Important?
The human brain is made up of almost 60% fat—and this includes a large portion of omega-3 fatty acids! In fact, fat is essential for your brain’s...
Read more夏天腸易激綜合症管理
腸易激綜合症 (IBS)影響全球約 11% 的人。這種消化系統疾病最好歸類為一組不良徵狀,如腹痛、腹瀉、便秘、腹脹、脹氣和痙攣。不可避免地,這種情況會讓你在不太理想的情況下跑到廁所。而且,不幸的是,夏季的炎熱會進一步加劇這些 IBS徵狀 ! 那麼,為什麼腸易激綜合症會在夏天爆發?你應該做什麼...
Read moreSummer Gut Survival Guide: IBS Management
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) impacts about 11% of people across the globe. This digestive condition is best categorized as a set of undesirable ...
Read moreZinc For Immune and more
Ever caught yourself wondering why you keep getting sick while your coworker seems to have an iron-clad immune system? Or maybe you've noticed yo...
Read more鋅,免疫瑰寶及更多功效
有沒有想過為什麼你總是生病,而你的同事似乎有一個鐵一般的免疫系統?或者,也許你已經注意到你的能量水平不像以前那樣了? 答案可能是他們攝入了足夠的鋅。鋅不僅有助於抵抗普通感冒。鋅在許多身體運行過程中還扮演著關鍵角色,從促進傷口癒合到維持激素平衡。 鋅是一種不可或缺的微量礦物質,有助於整體健康。...
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